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20 JUNE 2007
Back from Ontario and already just barely on schedule!

Mr. Laughary's name courtesy of Ash. He's as scruffy and creepy as the math teacher I had in Grade 11. He's carrying the meter stick around so he can smack students' desks when they fall asleep. The kid harassing Hugo remains nameless, and any resemblence he may have to the 10th Doctor is entirely... entirely coincidental. And I have in no way spent the last three weeks watching Doctor Who.

... Next update Saturday.


02 JUNE 2007
Introducing Megs. And her persistent, and often unprovoked, love.

Got it up just in time. Tomorrow I'm heading to Ontario to visit my lady. I'll be there until the 15th, and probably won't have access to a scanner. I'm going to upload at least two pieces of filler art -- either sketches or old Hu and Ellis art that has finally become relevant to something. If anyone needs me, contact me on the livejournal.


25 MAY 2007
Yeah, so much for Tuesday. Work this week has been nine kinds of hell. Don't ask. Finally done though! Introducing Riko and Beeb. More of the girls next update. Which, since I don't have a day off until Thursday... yeah, I'm not even gonna set that one yet.

Riko's shirt means "No Mary-Sues"



El Goonish Shive
Dominic Deegan
Ozy and Millie
No Pink Ponies
Wapsi Square
Liliane Bi-Dyke
Questionable Content

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